Title: Malcontent Fandom: New X-Men Claim: Kevin/Cessily Prompt: Rough Hands, by Alexisonfire Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 1070 Summary: The fact he can't harm her is hard to swallow.
Title: Subaqueous Fandom: New X-Men Claim: Kevin/Cessily Prompt: Turnstile Blues by UNKLE vs Autolux Rating: R Word Count: 980 Summary: AU where Cessily joins Weapon X and Kevin stays at Xavier's, darkCessily
Title: Sucking the Joy Fandom: New X-Men Claim: Kevin/Cessily Prompt: Take Me To The Basement, by Aesop Rock Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 562 Summary: Neither of them get depowered on M-Day.
Title: Tainted by Association Fandom: New X-Men Claim: Kevin/Cessily Prompt: Work, by Jimmy Eat World Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 531 Summary: Cessily's sick of defending him to everyone.